Python Environment

This is mainly handled using hatch, hatch-pip-compile, and the pyproject.toml file. Additionally, there is a .github/dependabot.yml file. It is a config file for Dependabot that is configured to check weekly for dependency upgrades in your requirements files and create pull requests for them.

The pyproject.toml File

The pyproject.toml file is a Python standard introduced to unify and simplify Python project packaging and configurations. It was introduced by PEP 518 and PEP 621. For more details, check out the complete specifications. Many tools in the Python ecosystem, including hatch, support it, and it seems that this is what the Python ecosystem has settled on for the future.


The project is set up to use hatch for virtual environment management and dependencies management.

“Hatch is a modern, extensible Python project manager.”

—Official hatch documentation

Read the hatch documentation on environment for more information on how to manage virtual environments. Hatch can do a lot, including managing Python installations, but for the context of the project, these are the things you need to know.


The project comes with three environment configurations: default, dev, and docs.

  • The default environment is activated when you run hatch shell. It is the default environment made available by Hatch and contains all the required dependencies for your project to run in production.

  • The dev environment contains packages used for development and testing, such as django-debug-toolbar, pytest, django-pytest, etc.

  • The docs environment is for documentation. It contains tools such as sphinx, furo, etc.

Although hatch comes with an integrated script runner, the project uses just as the script runner. The main reason is that it is a more universal solution (not limited to the Python ecosystem) and I find it more flexible. Paired with the scripts-to-rule-them-all pattern, it’s an efficient way to standardize a set of commands (setup, server, console, etc.) across all your projects, whether they are Django, Python, or something else. This way, you don’t need to remember a different set of commands for each project.

To see all available scripts or recipes as just calls them, you can run:

$ just

The primary environment you’ll use during development is the dev environment. To run a command, you can either run just run or hatch --env dev run. The first command is basically an alias for the second.


$ just run python # launch the Python shell
$ just run python dbshell # launch the database shell

There are aliases for most Django commands, such as just server to run the development server, just migrate to apply migrations, just createsuperuser to create a superuser, etc. . For any other commands that aren’t explicitly aliased, you can run just dj <command> to run the command in the Django context.

Activate the virtual environment

To activate an environment for the current shell, run hatch shell <env_name>, so hatch shell dev will activate the dev environment. If no specific environment name is provided, the default environment is activated.

You don’t need to activate your shell to run commands. When running a just script, dependencies will be automatically synced (installed or removed if necessary), since it uses Hatch underneath, and the command will be executed in the appropriate virtual environment.

Add / remove a new dependency

To add or remove a dependency, edit the [project.dependencies] section of the pyproject.toml file for a dependency that should be included in all environments and is needed in production. Alternatively, edit the dependencies key of [] or the extra-dependencies key of [] to add a development or documentation-only dependency, respectively. The next time you run a command using just, such as just server, Hatch (used underneath by the just script) will automatically install the new dependency.

Immediately sync dependencies
just install

For development, I think this workflow should work quite well. Now, what happens when you need to deploy your app? You could install Hatch on the deployment target machine, but I prefer having a requirements.txt file that I can use to install dependencies on the deployment machine. That’s where hatch-pip-compile comes in.


The hatch-pip-compile plugin is used with hatch to automatically generate a requirements file (lock file) using pip-tools. This file contains the dependencies of your hatch virtual environment with pinned versions. The default setup generates a requirements.txt file that can be used for installing dependencies during deployment, as shown in the provided Dockerfile, a requirements-dev.txt file for development dependencies, and a docs/requirements.txt file for documentation dependencies.

Here is the current configuration in the pyproject.toml file relevant to hatch-pip-compile:

requires = [

type = "pip-compile"
pip-compile-constraint = "default"
pip-compile-installer = "uv"
pip-compile-resolver = "uv"
lock-filename = "requirements.txt"

You can specify the tool for dependency installation using hatch-pip-compile. By default, it is configured to use uv, which is, and I quote:

An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust. Designed as a drop-in replacement for pip and pip-compile

—Official github

Needless to say, it does make a noticeable difference in speed. If you encounter any issues with uv, you can easily switch back to pip by updating the configurations as below:

type = "pip-compile"
pip-compile-constraint = "default"
pip-compile-installer = "pip"
pip-compile-resolver = "pip-compile"
lock-filename = "requirements.txt"