Packages and Tools¶
This section provides an overview of the primary packages and tools, along with some of the design choices incorporated into a project generated with Falco.
System Requirements
hatch: Used for managing the project’s virtual environment and dependencies, more details can be found in the dependency management guide.
just: A script runner that simplifies the execution of common tasks, such as setting up the project, running the server, and running tests, run
to see all available commands.
Base Dependencies
environs: Used for configuring settings via environment variables.
django-allauth: Handles login and signup processes.
django-template-partials: Used for defining reusable fragments of HTML.
django-htmx: Used for making AJAX requests and updating the DOM.
django-lifecycle: Provides an alternative to signals for hooking into your model’s lifecycle.
django-heath-check: Provides a
endpoint for application, database, storage, and other health checks.django-extensions: Adds some useful management commands to Django, such as
.django-anymail: Amazon SES is used for production email, facilitated by Anymail.
django-unique-user-email: Adds a unique constraint to the email field of the Django
model.django-q2: Used for background task queue processing and scheduling.
django-q-registry: Used for easily registering scheduled jobs.
django-storages: Used for storing media files on AWS S3.
django-compressor: Compresses CSS and JavaScript files.
refreshcss: Removes unused classes, ids, and element selectors from CSS, configured as a
filter.diskcache: A simple and fast cache solution based on
, just add aLOCATION
environnment folder for the cache location and you are good to go.Docker and s6-overlay: Docker is configured for production, with s6-overlay enabling running both the web server process (via
) and the background worker process (viadjango-q2
) within a single container.Sentry: Utilized for performance and error monitoring.
Whitenoise: Used to serve static files.
heroicons: Easy access to heroicons in your Django templates.
Development-Only packages
django-debug-toolbar: Of course, a must.
django-browser-reload: Automatically reloads your browser on code changes in development.
django-watchfiles: Faster and more efficient development server reloading.
django-fastdev: Helps catch small mistakes early in your project.
dj-notebook: Allows you to use your shell_plus in a Jupyter notebook.
plugin to compile requirements files.git-cliff: Generates a changelog based on your commit messages.
bump-my-version: Bumps the version of your project following the semver format.
pytest: Used for running tests
pytest-django: Pytest plugin for Django.
pytest-sugar: Better looking pytest output.
pytest-xdist: Run tests in parallel.
Werkzeug: Enable the Werkzeug debugger when running runserver_plus.
pre-commit: Integrated by default to identify simple issues before pushing code to remote.
If you are using the default template, the following additional packages are included:
django-tailwind-cli: Integration with tailwind css using the Tailwind CSS CLI, eliminating the need for Node.js.
crispy-tailwind: Tailwind CSS Template pack for
If you are using the Bootstrap template, the following additional packages are included:
django-bootstrap5: Integration with bootstrap 5 and provide some useful templates tags like
to automatically render Django messages as bootstrap alerts.crispy-bootstrap5: Bootstrap 5 Template pack for
There is a single
file located in your project directory.
├── myjourney
│ ├──
│ ...
As suggested in the Twelve-Factor App methodology, the settings values are pulled from environment variables using django-environ. Most settings are configured with default values or are made optional so that the project can be easily set up in development, production, or even a staging environment. The settings are organized following recommendations from Boost Your Django DX.
There is no specific environment variable to distinguish between development and production environments. You can add that if you want, but I keep it simple:
means developmentDEBUG=False
means production
You won’t even be able to set DEBUG=True
in production since the development requirements will be missing. They are not included in the provided methods of building the project for production.
Login via email instead of username¶
The email
field is configured as the login field using django-allauth. The username
field is still present
but is not required for login. Allauth automatically fills it with the part of the email before the @
More often then not when I create a new django project I need to use something other than the username
field provided by django as the unique identifier of the user,
and the username
field just becomes an annoyance to deal with. It is also more common nowadays for modern web and mobile applications to rely on a unique identifier
such as an email address or phone number instead of a username.
There is a small fix applied for allauth related to django-fastdev in the core/
file. Make sure to read it in case you ever need to change it.
Custom user model
I also removed the
fields that are available by default on the DjangoUser
model. I don’t always need them, and when I do, I generally have a separateProfile
model to store users’ personal informations, keeping theUser
model focused on authentication and authorization. My reasoning for this is to avoid asking for unnecessary data (following the principle of YAGNI). A positive consequence of this approach is that having less data on your users/customers increases the chances of being GDPR compliant. You can always add these fields later if needed.—me, not so long ago
Previously, this section of the docs contained the message above. Now, I take a simpler approach: Falco doesn’t ship with a custom user model anymore, and I don’t recommend having one for most people. There are now even better resources I can link to that explain why this is better than I could ever do:
If you need to save user data, a profile model is a better approach, and better field names are full_name
and short_name
. For the reasoning behind this, check out
HTMX and template partials¶
The project comes set up with django-template-partials and htmx for the times when you need to add some interactivity to your web app. The interactive user interfaces guide goes into more detail on this, but for a brief overview:
django-template-partials is used to define reusable fragments of HTML
htmx’s job is to make requests to the backend, get a piece of HTML fragment in response, and patch the DOM using it. Basically, htmx allows you to write declarative code to make AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) requests.
jetbrains extensions
If you are using a jetbrains IDE, there is an extension that add support for htmx, you can find it here. If you use alpinejs there is also for it via this extension.
Let’s look at a quick example:
1{% block main %}
2<ul id="element-list">
3 {% for el in elements %}
4 {% partialdef element-partial inline=True %}
5 <li>{{ el }}</li>
6 {% endpartialdef %}
7 {% endfor %}
11hx-post="{% url 'add_element' %}"
15 <!-- Let's assume some form fields are defined here -->
16 <button type="submit">Submit</button>
19{% endblock main %}
The htmx attributes (prefixed with hx-
) defined above basically say:
when the form is submitted, make an asynchronous JavaScript request to the URL
{% url 'add_element' %}
and add the content of the response before the end (before the last child) element of the element with the IDelement-list
The complementary Django code on the backend would look something like this:
1def add_element(request):
2 new_element = add_new_element(request.POST)
3 if request.htmx:
4 return render(request, "myapp/elements.html#element-partial", {"el": new_element})
5 else:
6 redirect("elements_list")
The highlighted line showcases a syntax feature provided by django-template-partials. It enables you to selectively
choose the specific HTML fragment from the elements.html
file that is enclosed within the partialdef
tag with the name element-partial
The htmx
attribute on the request
element is provided by django-htmx, which is already configured in the project.
This example illustrates how you can create a button that adds a new element to a list of elements on a page without reloading the entire page. Although this might not seem particularly exciting, the interactive user interfaces guide provides more practical examples that demonstrate the extensive possibilities offered by this approach.
Background tasks and scheduling¶
django-q2 is my preferred background task queue system for Django. In most projects, I always utilize either the task queue processing,
scheduling, or sometimes both. Regarding scheduling, there is also django-q-registry included, which is a django-q2
that helps with easily registering scheduling jobs.
Here is an example of how using both looks:
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django_q.models import Schedule
from django_q_registry import register_task
name="Send periodic test email",
def send_test_email():
subject="Test email",
message="This is a test email.",
def long_running_task(user_id):
# a simple task meant to be run in background
from django_q.tasks import async_task
from .tasks import long_running_task
def my_view(request):
task_id = async_task(long_running_task,
It is a good idea to organize any task or scheduling job function in a
file in the relevant Django application.
For more details on task queues and scheduling, check out my guide on the topic.
Model lifecycle¶
django-lifecycle offers an alternative to signals for hooking into your model’s lifecycle. It provides a more readable and understandable way to write code that runs before or after a model instance is created or updated, based on certain conditions. This code is placed directly on the concerned models, which aligns well with Django’s fat models philosophy.
Here is an example of using django-lifecycle
straight from their README:
from django_lifecycle import LifecycleModel, hook, BEFORE_UPDATE, AFTER_UPDATE
from django_lifecycle.conditions import WhenFieldValueIs, WhenFieldValueWas, WhenFieldHasChanged
class Article(LifecycleModel):
contents = models.TextField()
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
status = models.ChoiceField(choices=['draft', 'published'])
editor = models.ForeignKey(AuthUser)
@hook(BEFORE_UPDATE, WhenFieldHasChanged("contents", has_changed=True))
def on_content_change(self):
self.updated_at =
WhenFieldValueWas("status", value="draft")
& WhenFieldValueIs("status", value="published")
def on_publish(self):
send_email(, "An article has published!")
The DjangoFastDev package helps catch small mistakes early in your project. When installed you may
occasionally encounter a FastDevVariableDoesNotExist
error, this exception is thrown during template rendering
by django-fastdev when you try to access a variable that is not defined in the context
of the view associated with that template. This is intended to help you avoid typos and small errors that will
have you scratching your head for hours, read the project readme to see
all the features it provides.
If you find the package’s errors to be too frequent or annoying, you can disable it by removing the django-fastdev
entirely or by commenting it out in the
# 'django_fastdev',
Dj Notebook¶
This package allows you to use your shell_plus in a Jupyter notebook.
In the root of the generated project, you will find a file named playground.ipynb
which is configured with dj-notebook.
As the name suggests, I use this as a playground to play with the Django ORM. Having it saved in a file is particularly useful for storing frequently used queries in text format,
eliminating the need to retype them or search through command line history. Before running any additional cells you add, make sure to run the first cell in the notebook to set up Django. It’s
important to note that dj-notebook does not automatically detect file changes, so you will need to restart the kernel after making any code modifications.
If you need a refresher on Jupyter notebooks, you can refer to this primer.
There is a new alternative to Jupyter notebooks, namely, marimo. The main features that I appreciate are:
Notebooks are straightforward Python scripts.
It has a beautiful UI.
It provides a really nice tutorial:
pip install marimo && marimo tutorial intro
Its main advertised feature is having reactive notebooks, but for my use case in my Django project, I don’t really care about that.
If you want to test marimo
with your Django project, it’s quite simple. Install it in your project environment and run:
marimo edit
Or using hatch:
hatch run marimo edit
As with dj-notebook
, for your Django code to work, you need some kind of activation mechanism. With dj-notebook
, the first cell needs to run the code from dj_notebook import activate; plus = activate()
. With marimo
, the cell below should do the trick.
import django
import os
os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "<your_project>.settings"
Entry point and Binary¶
There is a file inside your project directory, next to your
This is the main entry point of your app. This is what the binary app built with pyapp effectively uses. Commands run inside the Docker container also use this file.
This file can essentially replace your
file, but the
is retained since this is what most django devs are familiar with.
More on this binary file thing
The binary file that pyapp
builds is a script that bootstraps itself the first time it is run, meaning it will create its own isolated virtual environment with its own Python interpreter.
It installs the project (your falco project is setup as a python package) and its dependencies. When the binary is built, either via the provided GitHub Action or the just
recipe / command,
you also get a wheel file (the standard format for Python packages). If you publish that wheel file on PyPI, you can use the binary’s self update
command to update itself.
Let’s assume you generated a project with the name myjourney
just run python myjourney/
just run python -m myjourney
just run myjourney
All the commands above do exactly the same thing.
just run myjourney # Runs the production server (gunicorn)
just run myjourney qcluster # Runs the django-q2 worker for background tasks
just run myjourney setup # Runs the setup function in the file, runs migrations, createsuperuser, etc.
just run myjourney manage runserver # Runs the django dev server
just run myjourney manage dbshell # Opens the dbshell
The binary is automatically built on every new push via the GitHub Action in the .github/workflows/cd.yml
file. You can also build it locally by running the following commands:
just build-bin # Builds for the current platform and architecture (e.g., if you are on an Intel macOS, it will build for macOS x86_64)
just build-linux-bin # Always builds for Linux x86_64
For more details on deploying the binary to a VPS, check out the deployment guide.
Project versioning¶
It is always a good idea to keep a versioning system in place for your project. The project includes the following tools to make the process as simple and low maintenance as possible:
git-cliff: Generate changelog for your project based on your commit messages, provided they follow the conventional commits format.
bump-my-version: As the name suggests, it bumps the version of your project following the semver format and creates a new git tag.
Both of these tools’ configurations are stored in the pyproject.toml
file under the [tool.git-cliff]
and [tool.bumpversion]
sections, respectively.
Additionally, there is a .github/workflows/cd.yml
file that defines GitHub Actions that run every time you push new tags to your repository. This will push your changes to the server,
build wheels and binary for the project, and create a new GitHub release with the latest content from the
file. More details on this can be found in the deployment guide.
Here is an example of the workflow:
Let’s assume your project is at version 0.0.1
, the initial version for new projects defined in the pyproject.toml
You make a few commits following the conventional commits format, for example:
git commit -m "feat: add new feature"
git commit -m "fix: fix a bug"
git commit -m "feat: add another feature"
Then you are ready for the first minor release. Following the semver convention, that is equivalent to moving from 0.0.1
to 0.1.0
You run the following command:
just bumpver minor
This will bump the version of your project to 0.1.0
, update the
file with the latest commits, and create a new git tag with the name v0.1.0
push the tag to the remote repository, which will trigger the GitHub Action to create a new release with the content of the
file, build the binary and
deploy the project to the server.
Continuous Integration¶
The file at .github/workflows/ci.yml
is responsible for Continuous Integration.
Every time you push new changes to the main branch or create pull requests, an action is triggered to run tests, deployment checks, and type checks. This ensures nothing has broken
from the previous commit (assuming you write tests).
The content of the file is quite simple to read and understand. The main thing to note is that the workflow file only contains Just recipe commands. The actual commands are all defined in the justfile, so that you can easily run them locally if needed
or migrate to another CI/CD provider if you want to.
just types # run type checks with mypy
just test # run tests with pytest
just deploy-checks # run django deployment checks
The documentation uses a basic sphinx setup with the furo theme. There is a basic structure in place that encourages you to structure your documentation based on your django applications. By default, you are meant to write using reStructuredText, but the myst-parser is configured so that you can use markdown. Even if you are not planning to have very detailed and highly structured documentation (for some ideas on that, check out the documentation writing guide), it can be a good place to keep notes on your project architecture, setup, external services, etc. It doesn’t have to be optimal to be useful.
“The Palest Ink Is Better Than the Best Memory.”
—Chinese proverb
just docs-build # build the documentation into a static site
just docs-serve # serve the documentation locally on port 8001
just docs-upgrade # upgrade the documentation dependencies